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Email Alex at for all partnership opportunities.

Email Tristan at for all broadcast opportunities.

Pencilhead’s Origins

Pencilhead’s Kids Club

The character, Pencilhead, was originally developed for a 'How to Draw' book by Western Australian cartoonist, Jason Sampson. The concept for the book evolved into a complete children's activity page which introduced the other characters Carol, Arnold, Lizzie and Blade. The activity page, Pencilhead's Kids Club, was picked up quickly by Australia's oldest and largest cartoon distributors Auspac Media.

Since 2005 Pencilhead has appeared in newspapers and magazines in Australia, New York, UK, Ireland, Spain, Japan, South Africa, the Caribbean, Fiji and more, proving the characters have an international appeal.

Pencilhead’s Curiosity Corner

Impressed with Sampson's work, Melbourne's Sunday Herald Sun commissioned the development of Pencilhead's Curiosity Corner. This publication is less about activities and more concerned with education, aimed at a pre-teen/early teen audience.
