Terms and Conditions

1. Using BWE Online Services

Black Wax Entertainment Pty Ltd, ACN 631 063 164 (BWE) provides its online services on the following terms.

By continuing to access this site, you agree to be bound by the terms outlined below and any additional terms (including House Rules) outlined within the specific service you access. Please check this page regularly so you are aware of any updates to the terms. If you do not agree with any of the terms, as updated or amended, please do not use the service.

2. Contributing Content

You are responsible for all content you contribute to any BWE Online Services, including text, photos, videos, audio and links (Your Content).

By contributing content to any BWE Online Service, you grant BWE a royalty-free, non-exclusive licence to use Your Content in any way that we want, and in any media worldwide. You retain copyright and any other rights you hold in Your Content and can continue to share and commercialise Your Content as you wish.

You confirm you own or have the right to use any copyright material included in Your Content (including music, photos, quotes and excerpts of audio or video), that you have permission of anyone appearing or performing in Your Content and that you are not infringing any person’s rights by submitting the content to BWE. You also confirm you have, where appropriate, sought the consent of the parent or guardian of any person under the age of 18 who is featured in Your Content.

Please ensure you keep your own copies of Your Content as BWE may not archive, store or back-up Your Content nor continue to make Your Content accessible online.

BWE will endeavour to provide you with an appropriate credit when using Your Content on BWE platforms, though you understand and agree this may not always be possible.

3. BWE Online Communities

While encouraging rigorous debate and the sharing of diverse opinions, BWE expects community members to treat each other with respect and courtesy. These standards apply to interaction within all BWE Online Services including official BWE accounts established on third-party social media sites.

You understand and agree BWE has ultimate editorial control over all its online services. BWE may edit, remove or exercise its discretion not to publish your contribution for legal, editorial or operational reasons including if BWE considers it to be:

  1. defamatory, or otherwise unlawful or that it violates laws regarding harassment, discrimination, racial vilification, privacy or contempt;

  2. intentionally false or misleading;

  3. an infringement of intellectual property rights including copyright;

  4. abusive, offensive or obscene;

  5. inappropriate, off topic, repetitive or vexatious. For example BWE reserves the right to reject contributions that have been widely canvassed in the forum. It also reserves the right to reject contributions from participants who seek to dominate the discussion;

  6. compromising the privacy of any person or containing inappropriate personal information;

  7. seeking to endorse commercial products or services;

  8. seeking to directly solicit donations;

  9. deliberate provocation of other community members; or

  10. impersonating someone else and/or posting on behalf of a suspended member.

If you breach these Terms of Use, BWE may block your account or contributions.

BWE values the role of its communities in guiding content standards and etiquette among members. If you have concerns about inappropriate content on a BWE Online Service you can alert the moderator of that space.

When accessing or participating in a BWE-managed space on a third party platform, such as channels, pages or feeds hosted on an external site, you agree to comply with the terms and conditions specified by that third party platform.

BWE recommends you make sure you understand the privacy settings for each platform with which you engage and choose appropriate options to protect your personal details and content shared.

4. Use Of BWE Content

All intellectual property rights in the content, software and systems owned by or licensed to BWE on any BWE Online Services, including logos, images, names, designs, trademarks and copyright (BWE Content) are reserved to BWE and its licensors. Such content is provided for your personal, non-commercial use only. Unless specifically noted in the House Rules for a particular service, you may not otherwise reproduce, republish, modify, adapt, translate, prepare derivative works from, reverse engineer or disassemble BWE Content, without obtaining BWE's prior written permission. You agree not to remove, obscure, or alter any BWE copyright notice or trademark on any content you access and use. You also agree not to use BWE Content in a way that implies endorsement by BWE or any person included in the materials. If you are interested in using BWE Content other than for personal, non-commercial use, please contact BWE directly for further information. Entitlements under Parts VA, VB and section 183 of the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) are reserved to BWE. For educational institutions: Visit www.screen.org for information about Part VA (download of audio-visual content) and www.copyright.com.au for information about Part VB (copying text/images).

5. Children

The online protection of children is a shared responsibility between BWE, the parent/guardian and the child. BWE aims to ensure that children and young people (under 18) who engage with our online spaces understand the possible risks they face and how to minimise them.

When contributions are sought from, likely to have been submitted by, or include children and/or young people (under 18), BWE will, where appropriate, seek the consent of a child’s parent or guardian before using a child’s contribution on BWE platforms.

6. Privacy

Any personal details and data acquired by BWE from your participation in any BWE Online Services will be used only in accordance with BWE’s Privacy Policy.

7. Disclaimers

BWE does not endorse the views or material contained in the contributions of members of the public or third party sites. BWE is not responsible for the content, availability or performance of external sites linked to or hosting BWE Online Services.

BWE Online Services are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. You understand and agree that you use BWE Online Services at your own discretion and risk and that you will be solely responsible for any damage or loss whatsoever that results from such use. BWE disclaims to the fullest extent permitted by law all guarantees, warranties or representations of merchantability, acceptable quality and fitness for any purpose, security, reliability, accuracy, timeliness, and performance of BWE Online Services and any content contained therein.

8. General

These Terms of Use will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Victoria which shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes. If for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision or portion of these Terms of Use to be unenforceable, the remainder of these Terms of Use will continue in full force and effect.

9. Enquiries/Complaints

For information regarding use of BWE Content contact BWE directly.

If you have concerns about inappropriate or infringing content accessed through any BWE Online Services, please alert the moderator of that service where available.

10. Registration

You may be required to register an account in order to access and/or contribute to certain BWE Online Services.

Any identifying or contact details required for registration will only be used in accordance with BWE’s Privacy Policy.

BWE may refuse registration of users whose suggested login names are considered inappropriate, impersonating another person or attempting to create multiple accounts for or on behalf of a suspended member.

You may terminate your account at any time by unsubscribing (where that option is available) or by contacting BWE directly. However your content may continue to be available online after termination.

BWE may suspend or block your account if you breach the Terms of Use.